United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization and Green Valley Academy had formed an MoU for the Sustainable Development Goals. This is one of the most prestigious projects of Green Valley Academy. UNESCO’s Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development  has signed a lifetime Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Embassy of South Korea on behalf of Government of South Korea’s Department is the first and only category 1 Research Institute in Asia Pacific and focuses on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4.7 towards education to foster peaceful and sustainable societies. 


Ms. Kavya Bhardwaj, Consultant at UNESCO and Psychologist at GVA, has made us proud by engaging Green Valley Academy in this foremost research programme. This international project has been one of the most substantial projects.

Green Valley Academy has signed a lifetime Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Embassy of South Korea on behalf of Government of South Korea’s Department of Cultural which is represented by the Korean Cultural Center, New Delhi. As both entities, i.e. the Government of South Korea and the Green Valley Academy (GVA) share similar visions of Quality Education and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, the Tie-up is a revolutionizing step toward mutual growth. 


The MoU has brought many benefits for the students of GVA, from National Scholarships, International exposure, Multicultural indulgence, etc to Educational incentives. Most importantly, it strengthens GVA’s vision of bringing International Education Standards to India.

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